Jack and the 7 Deadly Sins

I am trying to kill some time before I feed Jack his pre-bed snack. If I feed him too early, he wakes me up at 5 am ready to eat again. If I feed him too late, he'll leave me a really smelly present just as I'm about to fall asleep and I'll have to go remove it in order to breathe deeply again. So I have to get the timing down just right. He's pretty sure it's time now, and is singing a bluesy tune to let me know it. I'm pretty sure this is what caterwauling sounds like. Since I can't focus on much besides him, he gets to be the topic of another post. I realized earlier this evening that my cat goes through the 7 Deadly Sins like humans go through the stages of grief. And it all happens because he's hungry. Let's lay 'em out, one by one: Lust~ Jack is extremely lustful of food. Not just his. If I have food, he lusts after it, too. His eyes get big. His pupils dilate. He wants that food like nobody's business. It starts to take over...