
Showing posts from December, 2011

The Physics of THE HOLIDAYS (DumDumDUUUUM!)

 'Tis the season. Shoppers are shopping. Loved ones are loving. Planners are planning. Those of us who are not planners are struggling. We pray our loved ones are really good at loving. For the past few years, my family has approached the holiday season as if it's some hybrid between a strategic invasion and cleaning the toilet. There's a lot of maneuvering and a fair bit of groaning. A pinch of procrastinating until we all realize it's December 20th and no one knows where anyone else is going to be in four days. Add to the mix that we are a family that includes divorce, remarriage, multi-culturalism, pets, and some distance and I think you can all understand why we've ended up as we are. Any other time of the year, none of these elements are an issue. But at THE HOLIDAYS, they all converge. In considering a direction for this entry, I looked up the word "physics." It is defined as "Phys·ics: noun (used with a singular verb) the science that deals w...