Churches and Ruins and Walls, Oh My... Part One

I've been putting off the process of sitting down to write about my recent trip to Palestine/Israel, and I'm not entirely sure why. I'm a procrastinator by nature, but this feels like something different. I feel a strong inclination to do the piece, yet I find myself holding off. Other tasks are given priority as justification for not diving in and putting words to my feelings. Maybe I've just needed longer to find those words this time around. It's interesting - I realized the other day that the last time I traveled to another country with part of a church-related group was when I was in the 8th grade. My father and I went to Guatemala - and what's interesting is that trip was also in February. And it also left me struggling with the task of trying to live my regular life in a world that had been unexpectedly changed forever in my heart and mind. Sometimes we experience things and don't realize the profound ways in which we've been changed until muc...