Let's Get a Little Personal...
I wasn't sure I wanted to write an entry on the topic I'm about to write one on. While any blog post tends to have some degree of intimacy involved for the writer, this one feels exceptionally so. It has to do with some recent personal health news and the challenges that news will bring to my life. Let me preface the rest of this entry by stating that I am not someone who is on board with posting the intimate details of bodily functions - or dysfunctions - on social media sites. I have seen status updates on Facebook that involve the poster's bowel movements in great detail. I have also seen updates on recent gynecological visits or numerous bodily disasters of the poster's children. I believe those posts belong in the "Overshare" category. I can't imagine any of their friends signing onto Facebook thinking, "I wonder what kind of poo So-and-So's kid had today. Thank goodness for Facebook or I might spend all day wondering about it." So, ...