
Showing posts from January, 2013

Taking Dating Cues from Nancy Drew

My 31st birthday was a little under two weeks ago. One of the gifts I got was a last-minute inspiration from my mom and sister. They were browsing the gift shop of the history museum where my mom works and came across a little book called The Official Nancy Drew Handbook: Skills, Tips & Life Lessons from Everyone's Favorite Girl Detective . I loved Nancy Drew when I was growing up. My mom had been collecting the yellow hardback series and that was how my interest began. I continued the collection, having to occasionally settle for a newer version of some books. But I think the collection is only short one or two books at this point. Then I discovered the blue editions. The blue editions are even older than the yellow ones. These are the ones that pull me into every used bookstore or book sale I pass. They're usually around $12 each, but it seems a bargain for such an artifact. I have yet to research whether these books are worth any money. It's not important. Plus, I on...

In the Spirit of Janus

New Year's Eve is a notorious day in my family. Over the years, I've encountered breakups, bad health news, stomach flu, and various family dramas. I've also had some years where the comedy of the situation outweighed the disappointment at not having the exciting night I'd planned. Anyway, the day after one of the hardest New Year's Eves, I purchased a book called The Awe-manac . It's this crazy book of journal prompts, wacky holidays, and inspirations. I might have mentioned it in a previous entry, I can't remember. But each month has an "Entryway" section, which lists general interesting facts about the month. For January, the book mentions that the month is named for the Roman god, Janus. He was the protector of gates and doorways. And I thought he'd be a perfect topic for this first entry of 2013. Janus is depicted with two faces: one looks back to the past and one looks into the future. What a great way to enter into a new year. Now, I ...