The Hope Fantasies
The Hope Fantasy. This is a practice I have engaged in since I was little. A completely PG practice, I should add. Sorry if you've landed on this entry after a random Google search with specific expectations. You'll want to move on now. The Hope Fantasy is really sort of a mix between a fantasy and a daydream. I think daydreams can involve fairly passive content, but fantasies requires some action. Again, I'm simply referring to activity . Verbs. Something happens in a fantasy. Unless you lead a super hectic life, at which point your fantasy may be simply to do nothing. Anyway, let me give you a couple of examples of Hope Fantasies from my past so you know what I'm actually talking about. 1. I used to rush home from school so that I could be in front of the television by 3pm. Why? MacGyver started at 3pm. If I got there late, or if my father forgot to pick my sister and I up completely, I would miss the opening credits and I'd have no idea if it was a Murdoc ep...