Fiction Friday!

I am going to be trying a new thing for the Friday entries, which a friend of mine is doing. It's Fiction Fridays and involves getting a prompt from another site and then basically free-writing on that prompt for at least 5 minutes. No major editing is allowed. This week's prompt was to write about a character who has an irrational fear but tries to hide it. I spun that a little and mixed it with the previous week's prompt of writing a scene with only dialogue. Let me know what you think about this bit of fun if you want! 

"She's terrified of what?"
"You heard me the first time."
"Regardless, I'm going to need to hear you say that again."
"Toilet paper. She's scared to death of the stuff."
"Yep. That's what I thought you said."
"I never said she didn't have quirks."
"The woman is afraid of Charmin. How does that even work?"
"I didn't ask. It didn't seem like a first date conversation."
"Well she threw it out there."
"But if she wanted to elaborate, she would have offered an explanation."
"Unless she comes from a line of TP-phobics and feels this is completely natural."
"She has to know it's not natural."
"Well, she doesn't seem to be self-conscious about it. I mean, she told you on the first date."
"That's true. But it could have been one of those nervous slips."
"Nervous slips?"
"Yeah, you know. First time you meet someone, you're nervous. You might babble a bit."
"Maybe. Any other indications that this girl is not working with a full deck?"
"Hey, a fear of toilet paper does not make her crazy."
"Says you. Who just met her. This could only be the tip of the nutty iceberg."
"She seemed like a great girl."
"Until the TP bomb."
"Until that, yeah."
"It's a deal-breaker, isn't it?"
"Come on. I'm not that shallow."
"Admit it. You can't get past this."
"I might be able to. If we went out again."
"No way. It's always going to be looming over you. You'll mean to think about holding her hand but then you'll remember she can't touch toilet paper and you'll freak out."
"Well now that you've put that consideration out there, of course I'll have to think about it!"
"You would have thought about it without my help. I'm trying to save you from a possibly humiliating situation."
"What if she has everything else I've been looking for? What if she's my soul mate?"
"You really believe your soul mate is gonna be terrified of a sanitary product?"
"Okay then."
"Well now I feel bad."
"What for?"
"For not being able to look past one little quirk. What kind of person does that make me?"
"Normal. We all have our deal breakers, man."
"So what's yours?"
"I can't date any girl who breaks wind."
"Breaks wind?"
"Come on."
"I'm serious."
"All girls do that. Hell, all people do that. All animals do that."
"I mean out loud."
"You gotta be kidding me."
"It's not ladylike."
"You know, I think you should go out with the toilet paper girl. You may have more in common than you know."


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